Friday, January 8, 2010

My First Blog

My first blog. My first post. Ever. I have a fear of technology, and for the longest time computers. When email addresses were the new, in-thing in high school (a little over a decade ago) I resisted.

As my brother would say, resistance is futile. Now, I've boarded the blog express.

I've started my blog to keep myself honest. Since grade school I've written stories. All kinds. I've never been published and I've never written a novel. Started some, but never finished one. My New Year's resolution is to finish my novel. Whether it'll ever make it to print, I don't know. I'd just like the satisfaction of completing it.

May the blog keep me honest. And write. And to others wanting to write, draw, sing, complete a deadline, or finish whatever seems impossible, my best wishes of luck and good fortune to you.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on launching your blog! I love all of your posts and look forward to reading more as time goes on. Keep up the great work!
